Thursday, August 20, 2009


I love being a at home mom. My favorite place in the world has always been my home. Even, as a young girl, I would drive around looking at homes. I dreamed of living in a nice cozy home with a family of my own. Three years ago my husband and I built our home. Well, we didn't buld it, we chose the plan and all the details. We had it built on the land we bought the same year we were married. We had a vision of one day what we would build together.

Some ladies will say that they could never stay home raising children all day. I have such a difficult time understanding this way of thinking. (No, i'm not back on the soap box) i'm just speaking about me from my heart. I can't imagine my life any other way.

I never get bored at home. Of course there is always work. I work hard everyday. I encourage my children to have a strong work ethic. I have them do daily chores. I do allow them some cartoons in the morning while i'm having my coffee and Bible time. See, that's the kind of pace of life I love. When , I was a working woman, everything was rush rush. Now, I awake when my little girl comes pulling my toes. We giggle and cuddle with daddy, then we go out so he can sleep a little later (he works nights). We make cereal and chocolate milk for her and coffee for me. She watches Little Bear and I read my Bible for about an hour. By then the house is up and the day begins.

On a typical day, I start some laundry, vacume, then settle my son for his lessons. We homeschool through a Christian academy. This is new because I created the lesson plans for kindergarten and first grade. The curriculum is good for him. He has six subjects but I add a little more to make it interesting. Everything is a learning opportunity. We garden in the spring, bake fresh bread and pastries, can our own blackberry jam. I cultivate his interest as well. He likes to take the camcorder and make movies. He writes, illustrates, and binds his own books. There are always new ideas coming from him. A child strapped to a desk for eight hours five days a week is not able to explore the day the way a homeschooler can. Learning is not a one size fits all. Children need to move and wiggle. Oh, thats probably why so many children get labeled hyper active or ADHD and loaded up with meds. So, so sad! When, I see that he's had enough, we drop our work and go for a swim. We eat lunch together as a family. Then, I either sew, or we paint on the front porch. Sometimes, we just glue noodles on paper plates or make stuffed paper fish. It does not take a genius to create fun for children. But, all the while I am creating memories with my children. They know that mom is always with them. They never have to go with people they don't know or feel uncomfortable with. I have never had to endure the dreaded day care drop off. I just could never do it.

Some of the mom's I used to work with couldn't wait to drop thier newborn babies at the daycare. Some only a few weeks old. Those babies are always very sick. Hospital stay sick. I'm talking several times a year. Some moms just don't seem to get it.

I know, I went there again...Oops.

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